Find the last day of the month

$ set $(cal)
$ shift $(($# - 1))
$ echo $1

Encrypt all files in one dir and save to another dir with ansible vault

ls files/source/ | xargs -I@ ansible-vault encrypt --vault-id $(pwd)/files/destination/@

Find the current dpi in X

$ xdpyinfo | grep -i -V 2 resolution

Go to a specific line number in less


Go to a specific byte (offset?) in less

less +<BYTE>P FILE

Show a specific line number in less

less -N +<LINE_NUM>g FILE

Extract a specific line using sed

sed -ne '<LINE_NUM>P' FILE

Better ^w behavior

Make ^w delete up until a special character (like what happens on OpenBSD) in bash.

Put this in ~/.inputrc:

## Not sure why, but this needs to be disabled
set bind-tty-special-chars off

"\X-w": backward-kill-word