
jq is a cli json parsing program.


cat ct_log.json | jq '.["Records"][].userIdentity.type'

MFA authenticated?

cat ct_log.json | jq '.["Records"][].userIdentity["sessionContext"].attributes.mfaAuthenticated'

Check read_only_allow_delete in elasticsearch for index fluttershy:

curl -sk -XGET 'https://USER:PASSWORD1234@elastic.example.com:9200/fluttershy-2019.08.*/_settings/index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete' \
| jq '.["fluttershy-2019.08.02"].settings.index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete'

Output 2 things on the same line:

For getting name and mem next to each other on the same line

cat data.json | jq '.systems[] | "\(.name),\(.mem)"'

Again, but using join:

cat data.json | jq '.systems[] | [.name,.mem] | join(" ")'